The South African Youth Climate Change Coalition (SAYCCC) is a network of young environmentalists and climate justice activists. The organization is youth-led, with a centralized, orientative and participative leadership which is based on teamwork. Our teamwork is characterized by two elements; cohesiveness and accountability. Developing cohesiveness in a team is about creating a healthy working environment. And, imagine that you are in a horse race, when you win, who is the actual winner? You, as a jockey or the horse? The answer is, both. Neither of you would win the race without the other, you are a team. In a successful team, everyone is accountable and takes responsibility for the team’s progress and achievements. We have a collective concern for the outcome of teamwork.

Our core team:

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Our policies
Our Initiatives

Climate Justice | Energy Justice | Ecological Justice | Stop Ecocide | Capacity Strengthening

Climate justice

Climate justice links climate policies to human rights and sustainable development.

energy justice

Energy justice is about the just and fair energy policies which aim to benefit local people and protect the environment.

Ecological justice

Ecological justice is about demonstrating a commitment to care for environment as stewards of God’s creation.

stop ecocide

We are raising awareness about the importance of preserving nature and ensuring that there is a deeper understanding of ecocide as mass destruction of nature.

capacity strengthening

This initiative is about improving the organisation’s existence and activism in local communities and international fora.
